I haven't posted in over a year. I know, yikes! Well I'm back, but it's to say that I'm done with this blog. Goats, unfortunately, no longer fit into my life. The experiences I've had with them were wonderful, but I've moved on to other things. And, after moving, we can't really have farm animals at our new location. And there's really no reason to blog on my goat blog if I don't have goats anymore.
I'm not going to take down this blog, though. I'm going to leave it up for the sake of the dozens of posts that are on here. Who knows, maybe they'll be helpful to someone sometime.
This is not goodbye. I have a new blog, where I post about other things. It's still pretty new and is just starting out, but I hope you'll go take a look at it. Warning: I have a music player on it that starts automatically. I'm going to try to change it so that you have to actually hit play, but at the moment it's a hazard if you're in a library or supposed to be quietly doing homework. =D
Thanks for being so awesome and reading this blog while it lasted. I hope you'll keep tabs on my new one, and maybe even subscribe!